
"Home" can be said to be one of the products of a person's self externalization, just like another face of a person, showing the human feelings of the homeowner and the character of the room, inviting everyone to watch it, walk into it, listen to it, imagine it... And create a sense of drama higher than daily life.


生 活









空 间











In the design of this project, many inherent space forms are abandoned, and the idea of mandatory demand on layout is broken through. Starting from the heart, it nourishes the formation of spatial ideas with a sense of self-consciousness of "responding to the feelings without any object". On the premise of meeting the functional requirements, the most important thing is to construct the spiritual domain which belongs to itself.




Every piece of furniture, every ornament, even every picture design is the epitome of the taste and accomplishment of the residents. The visual focus of the porch is the wallpaper designed by moooi and arte with the inspiration of "extinct animals". The lush vegetation, elegant birds, calm rhinoceros and quiet zebras are framed in a pure Black Retro frame, Sitting on the blue porch chair, you can feel as if you are in the interpretation of the utopia. It is dreamy and interesting, and full of artistic atmosphere and dramatic feelings.

客 厅

Living Room

客厅区域延续随意与随心的感官认知。无主灯的设计改造,让空间感觉更开放和自由;Moroso的小墩子色彩奔放而不失优雅的迷人气质; 茶几形态犹如被打翻的水流淌至地面,生动而富有表现力,全实木材质,经过一遍遍的打磨、比对、调整,最后喷上金色,与边几和艺术吊灯相呼应,一切都变的更为有趣,即灵动又别致。

The living room area continues random and heartfelt sensory cognition. The design and transformation of no main lamp makes the space feel more open and free; the small pier of moroso has unrestrained color without losing the charming temperament of elegance; The shape of the tea table is like the overturned water flowing to the ground. It is vivid and expressive. It is made of solid wood, polished, compared and adjusted again and again, and finally sprayed with gold. It echoes with the edge table and Art Chandelier. Everything becomes more interesting, that is, smart and unique.

  1. Rochebobois与Alnoor在设计上的碰撞,既吸收了复古感,又采用了新颖元素,他的设计色彩斑斓,极尽奢华,充满戏剧感和神秘感,使家具的整体更为随性。

    The design collision between rochebobois and Christian Lacroix not only absorbed the sense of retro, but also adopted new elements. His design was colorful, luxurious, full of drama and mystery, which made the furniture more casual.


Dining Room


The restaurant area of linkage relationship, boundless freedom. A group of water blue coral velvet dining chairs with Lawrence golden rock plate dining table are elegant and luxurious, creating two charming faces of classical and modern. The dramatic decoration method shows the essence of exquisite life aesthetics.


Master Bedroom


Master bedroom will be romantic water halo elements and exquisite modeling of custom furniture used in the design, low-key pattern is the designer's subtle thinking. Light color water wave pattern wallpaper, fine fabric texture of blue velvet curtain, geometric modeling of bed circumference texture, multi-dimensional interpretation of the harmonious artistic conception of "the best is like water" and the ever-changing spiritual idea, harmonizing the high-quality home experience.


Son's Room


Water symbolizes wisdom and spiritual vitality. When the light condenses into water drops and drops down in the night, it emits soft brilliance, and the space atmosphere is lit up gently.


The dominant tone of the son's room is a blue spirit -- a Medieval Retro Delft Blue; a Baxter three-dimensional Geometric Mosaic Cabinet, silver water-and-light textures, vivid Kaws and designer Theodoru's limited edition classic cartoon character-pinocchio, there is like the clown spilled blue soft sphere, as if suddenly fell into a fairy tale world, time as it moves in the air freeze frame, full of fun and very eye-catching. All the artistic decoration endows the space drama tension, the body and mind stimulates the infinite imagination in the vigor nourishment.



陈设机构 | 艺象家居

项目地址 | 上海·九庐

项目面积 | 180㎡

项目户型 | 三室两厅

主案设计 | 李加佳

参与人员 | 陈敏、林依梦、高丽伟、李沅昊

项目摄影 | YIgao

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