Art Deco


Wandering between classical and modern






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It was the glittering lights of Manhattan in the 1920s

It is the beauty of conflict under the background of mechanical industry

It is the highest grade of classic in an era

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受过良好教育的上层社会人士,并承载着整个家族的传承使命,对永恒的设计有着自己独特的见解,即有狂野的一面,也懂得享受生活。设计师将人物气质与空间气质完美融合,定调为一个拥有着独特品味与绅士格调的时尚男士之家。风格上汲取《了不起的盖茨比》中的经典Art deco装饰风格,结合电影《50度灰》中的现代主义表现手法进而混搭成作。空间内贯穿使用几何麦穗元素,大理石与铜质金属材质相佐,色彩定调以高级感的冷色系黑、金、灰、白四色为主线,演绎空间的视觉美感,看似简单却蕴含着极具品位的隐藏式贵族气质,展现了主人别致而时尚的品味,低调内敛却光芒万丈。

The well-educated upper class, bearing the mission of the whole family, have their own unique views on the eternal design, that is, they have a wild side and know how to enjoy life. The designer combines the character temperament with the space temperament, and sets the tone for a fashionable men's home with unique taste and gentleman style. In terms of style, it absorbs the classic Art Deco decoration in the Great Gatsby, and combines the modernist expression techniques in the film "50 degrees gray". The space is permeated with geometric lines, wheat ear elements, marble and copper metal materials. The color setting takes advanced cold color black gold and gray as the main line to deduce the visual beauty of the space. It seems simple but contains hidden noble temperament with high grade, showing the owner's unique and fashionable taste, low-key and luxurious.


Floor Plan





This case is a mixture of the designer's tribute to the classic Art Deco decoration style in the film "the Great Gatsby" and the modernism expression in the film "50 degrees gray". The space is permeated with geometric lines, wheat ear elements, marble and copper metal materials are matched. The color setting is mainly composed of high-level cold colors of black gold and gray white, which deduces the visual beauty of the space. It seems simple but contains a hidden aristocratic temperament with high grade, which is low-key and luxurious.




入口地面的大理石拼花,几何型的黑白图案折射出看不见却很耀眼的光芒,圆形的轮廓象征着无限的轮回往复,“ 时尚永远是个轮回!经典的风格是一种永不会褪去的时髦”。

The marble mosaic on the entrance floor, the geometric black-and-white pattern reflects the invisible but dazzling light. The circular outline symbolizes the infinite cycle and "fashion is always a reincarnation! Classic style is a fashion that will never fade away.

Living Room



In the left-hand side of the door of the large living room space, both friends gathering and business negotiation function. The central vision is the fireplace, a circular fireplace with a true fire, like the eye of desire that measures you as you gaze at it.


The fireplace inlays the background copper plate wall, uses the etching float to engrave the craft carving to make the city silhouette effect, the entire space is the male host will survey the world's affairs in the future, harbors the world's magnanimous spirit idea, talks and laughs to be full of joy, is not surprised, the inner definition of the family legacy.


The eternal elegance and delicacy of each piece of furniture perfectly matches the whole environment, the luxurious elite world full of instinct and wild impulse, and the bold avant-garde style. A group of Classic Sofas imported from Italy have become the objects of pressure. The folds of each button are extremely delicate and elegant, seemingly simple in design, but the restrained bearing and quiet flamboyance of the space are very vivid, without a hint of extravagance or flamboyance.

Lounge Room



Next to the large living room is a woman's space specially designed by the designer for the hostess. The whole space exudes a sense of retro and introverted fashion. The reproduced wallpaper in the style of Giuseppe Castiglione's court is a dialogue between modern and classical elements Gray tone of the blue and purple color dialogue, through the aesthetic and ambiguous atmosphere; Suede Material Sofa and metal mix, collision of Women Lazy and noble exclusive characteristics.

Western Kitchen



Gray and white with gold color tone, clean and neat, let a person eye bright. From the table to the ground using the most popular rock plate materials, known as the decorative materials industry "Ferrari" , large surface of the white marble texture of the rock plate and copper metal background wall with a casual touch of green, the space will have a lively life, low-key luxury, high-class feeling.

Western Kitchen




The dining area is divided into a dining area and a leisure area. Designers believe that in business negotiations, people need to maintain a sense of distance between people, and living in close relationships, people should be closer. He considered the living habits of the Chinese people and the family characteristics of the host, hoping to become more integrated through the spatial scale of the relationship and family harmony, creating a "family sitting idle, light friendly" atmosphere.



The triangular roof surfaces stretch the entire space, with metallic wheat tassels adorning the top and the door, custom-made prints copied from movie posters, and the use of bright yellow, aristocratic hues, it completely captures the heart of the intent, appropriately enough.





On the first floor, two bedrooms are actually hidden. One is the quiet and elegant elder room at the back of the living room, which is convenient for the elder to eat and live. The other is the american-style boys room connected with the Lounge area of the dining room, where three generations live together and the relationships of the characters interact in the space, and mutual non-interference, love and rational construction of family relations both integration, and the scale of the "parallel" space concept.

To be continued



全案机构 | 金象饰家、艺象家居

项目地址 | 浙江·湖州

项目面积 | 905㎡

主案设计 | 源   木

软装设计 | 沈超悦

项目摄影 | 叶   松

参与品牌 | 锐思瓷砖、杭州必美地板

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