






这是一场与Celebrate goddess的碰撞


Human being is the soul of all things

and all things are in one world, to see light again

to catch a dream

to make life full of inspiration

interest, everything is connected, and again

this is a collision with Celebrate goddess

to write the innermost and most secret dreams and feelings


项目面积:180 ㎡




摄      影:林      峰

静谧的绿色森林,在光的映射下,水面生出涟漪粼粼 ,仿佛夜幕隐秘梦境里深处的一丝微光发出的召唤,虽然很淡,但也能冲破黑暗。月光如银,静影沉璧,生活皆是一场修心之旅。Celebrate goddess的精神空间,优雅、低调、舒适,简单却又无损高贵的雅致,不过分夸张炫耀,不错过生活中的一切美好,空间情愫表达便是响彻着本体的绝妙回声。万物相融共生,美好生活的缩影渐渐演变成了一个个具体的现实事物。

Quiet Green forest, in the reflection of light, the water sparkling, as if the night in the secret dream of a glimmer of light issued a call, although very faint, but also can break the darkness. Moonlight, such as silver, silent shadow Shen Bi, life is a spiritual journey. Celebrate Goddess Spiritual Space, elegant, low-key, comfortable, simple but not to the loss of noble elegance, not too exaggerated show off, do not miss all the good things in life, space emotion expression is a wonderful echo of the body. All things blend together, the epitome of a good life gradually evolved into a concrete reality.


The way of saintly is the best and the most beautiful; those who are not for the best and the most beautiful, create it. Heavenly Horse Starry Sky, the space imagination with great visual tension travels in the consciousness, as if the universe has countless gentle planets for you. Next, all the stories are waiting for the master of space to write.


The bedroom is the world of the subconscious mind, the dream of time can be almost endless here eternal existence. Bloom in the dream, wake up from the dream of rebirth, full of strange and strange dream, everyone has become a dream maker. Here, the parallel universe of infinite dreams and finite reality CAN COEXIST!Take the boat of dreams to reach the other shore of the heart.


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